Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Beginning

So, I needed something of my own, to write my thoughts, share my feelings. And even if no one reads this or follows me, I am doing this for me. And I'm very excited about it! So, this is my VERY public diary. It will no doubt be very boring at times. I apologize in advance for that.
I am working really hard to try to be all the things I need to be in my life, and do it better. At times I am so tired (from my crazy hours at work) that I would much rather sit in front of the tv than do the laundry or wash dishes, etc, etc, etc... But I have really done so much better the past few weeks. I REFUSE to be tired! And somehow muster the energy to keep going. Now being a wife is even more demanding as I am my husband's secretary/ business partner. It's definitely going to be interesting doing that, but I am excited about it. Going good so far. So, my life is busy, as is so many other moms/women I know. This is a much needed outlet for me! Stay tuned!