Saturday, December 28, 2013

What a year!

Wow... I stopped blogging because I really just did not have anything remotely interesting to say. But we are getting ready to go into a new year and this one has gone by so fast. My little pirate just turned 5 and has all these new friends from school. Yes, he is just in preschool, but I remember a time when I thought that was still so far into the future. *sigh* Where has the time gone? I was watching videos of Vincent last night and it was an overwhelming rush of emotions. He is not a baby anymore. I can't go back or stop him from getting any older. Just have to look forward to all the ways he will change and grow in the future. (And dream of having another baby one day...)

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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Outdoor fun!

So glad for Spring (and soon Summer!) to be able to do fun, outdoor activities with my 4 year old. Already took him to a baseball game and plan to definitely do that again.

As you can see, he had a blast!

He will be enjoying quality time with his daddy working on things...

We got Vincent his 1st bike and he is doing really well getting started by himself and turning corners.

Can't wait to spend some more summer fun with Cousin Henry!

We will be enjoying the town pool soon, but for now this will do!

This is the life...

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Saturday, May 18, 2013

My other baby

I have had my cat, Franklin, for almost 11 years now. He was our 1st baby. He used to sleep with us (now he sleeps with our child) and loves our attention. In the past few years I must admit I have not been as fond of him. Our lives have had so much changes. Not just having a child, but both mine and my husband's work schedules are crazy. I have so much other stuff to do that the LAST thing I want to do is clean out a litter box, etc. A couple of months ago Franklin started some weird behaviors. I assumed he was just acting out because he is getting old. Finally decided I should take him to the vet and get him checked out. I felt like such a bad mommy when he was diagnosed with feline diabetes. So, now I am having to get up at 3:45am and make sure he eats. Then give him his insulin shot. Same thing at 4pm. What my point is, is that it took something like this to make me remember how precious my Franklin is to me.

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I am a runner!

So, I did my 4-miler in Chapel Hill last Saturday. Let me just say, I was NOT prepared for those hills. We have a hill in our small little town that I perceived as huge when I was growing up. I mean, it was not too easy when we rode our bikes back up after flying down with the wind in our hair. THAT hill is a joke. I am not sure how many hills I ended up conquering but my legs were telling me I was crazy... My sister ran with me and we ended up finishing in a little over an hour (without stopping or walking). We were proud of ourselves and super glad we did it. Hoping to sign up for another 5k soon!

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Friday, April 5, 2013

My Place of Birth

My parents had the awesome opportunity to go live in England for a few years so dad could help at a finance company. I was born there, in Bedford, England and we moved back to the USA when I was 9 months old. My parents often tell me "You've been there!" when they see pictures from places over seas. I am hoping one day to visit this beautiful place. Until then, I can look at pictures and dream...

Places in Bedford:

Places I want to go:

And of course, the Red-head Festival in the Netherlands. What? I am serious....

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ready for Spring!

Ok Spring, I am ready for you to come and for the warm weather to stay! This pic is from a few weeks ago. It was such a nice weekend to be outside playing with friends (and their animals) and flying kites!

And blowing bubbles...

But it was just a tease... Cold weather is still here and I am over it. Here's to hoping for warm weather soon!
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Friday, March 15, 2013

Hitting the Wall

Ever feel like you've hit one of these? Sometimes it is so hard to just break through so you can move forward. This is where I am at right now. Just banging my head on it over and over again... Running into it. Trying miserably to climb over it. Praying God will show me how to conquer it soon.

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