Sunday, January 27, 2013

It's a new year!

Lot's of things have changed since I last blogged...
1- My baby isn't a baby anymore! He turned 4 in December. He
loves being independent and he voices his opinion on a normal basis. 😄

2- I am proud to say I can call myself a runner. Just decided one day to do something FOR MYSELF. Love it! Ran my 1st 5k Thanksgiving morning. Hoping to create a habit now of running 4 times a week and running a few more 5ks this year. (Hoping my sis will join me too!)

Oh, and hoping to make this handsome fellow, Benjamin, one of my frequent running partners!

3- I added a new tattoo. My sister and I went and got one together and it means a lot to us.

4- My sister had a baby in November and it is the coolest thing ever (besides being a mom to Vincent!) being an aunt! I love my Henry!

It is fun sharing info and being supportive of my sister. She is already a GREAT MOMMY!

Hoping to keep this up! Here are a few more pics from the past few months! Will be blogging again soon!

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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